Legal Bases for Participation in the Draw


The Company Siddhi Naturelle SL with address in Alicante, C/ Borja, 16 and identified with the number B16854994 organizes the national draw (hereinafter, “the Promotion”), to be carried out through the Internet, exclusively for users residing in Spain peninsula and the Balearic Islands in accordance with the provisions of the participation requirements section. The purpose of this giveaway is to reward the loyalty of the brand's followers.


The Promotion will start on the day indicated in the publication and will end on the day indicated in the publication.


The participation requirements will be the following: - Those who reside in the Spanish peninsula and the Balearic Islands and are over 18 years of age may participate. - Only those Participants who have an Instagram account may participate. - Participants must comment on the brand's publication on the Instagram social network by tagging 1 friend during the participation period. - Participants must be followers of the @dioxnatur account on Instagram. - Participants may only participate with a single Instagram profile. If it is detected that a Participant participates with several Instagram profiles, they will be disqualified. - The application will accumulate different mentions of the same Participant even if they are in different comments.


The winner will be communicated through the brand's social profiles. The prize will consist of what is indicated in the publication. When the prize is a gift card, it will be exclusively for spending at The prize cannot be exchanged for cash or any other prize, nor can it be exchanged or altered. The Company reserves the right to modify the prize if on the day of declaring the participant as winner there are stock problems and, therefore, it is impossible to give it away. The Company may contact the winner during the draw period starting from the date it is announced on the brand's social profile. If the winner does not respond to such contact within the stipulated period, the draw will be declared void. The holding of the draw, as well as the awarding of the prize, are subject to current tax regulations.


If it is evident that any of the Participants do not meet the requirements set out in the Rules, or the data provided to participate is not valid, their participation will be considered null and void and they will be automatically excluded from the Promotion, losing all rights to the prizes awarded under this Promotion. The Company reserves the right to declare the draw void.


Comments or opinions whose content is considered inappropriate, that are offensive, libelous or discriminatory or that could violate the rights of third parties will not be permitted. Nor will comments against an individual that violate the principles of the right to honor, personal and family privacy, and one's own image be permitted. We are not responsible for any damage caused by comments made by Participants in the Promotion, and which at any time could offend the sensitivity of other Participants. Participation in this Promotion, as well as the publication of the comments made by the Participants in the publications, may not violate the Instagram Community Rules or the Instagram Conditions of Use under any circumstances. If the Company discovers the use of fraudulent means for participation, such as the use of bots in the comments, the prize will not be awarded and will remain the property of the Company.


By way of example, but not limited to, we are not responsible for possible losses, theft, delays or any other circumstance attributable to third parties that may affect the development of this Promotion, nor are we responsible for the use that the Participant makes of the prize. you get from this Promotion. We do not assume responsibility in cases of force majeure or fortuitous event that could prevent the completion of the Promotion or the total or partial enjoyment of the prize. In the event that this Promotion cannot be carried out, either due to fraud detected in it, technical errors, or any other reason that is not under the control of the Company and that affects the normal development of the Contest, we reserve the right to cancel, modify, or suspend it, including the participation web page.


The Company responsible for the processing of your data is Siddhi Naturelle SL with address in Alicante , C/ Borja , 16 and identified with the number B16854994 . In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, each participant with the acceptance of these Legal Bases consents to their personal data being incorporated into a file, owned by the latter, for the purpose of managing the draw, as well as disseminating and publicize their results, and process the delivery of the prize. We inform you that you can exercise your rights of Access, Rectification, Deletion, Opposition, Limitation of processing, Portability, forgetting and not being subject to automated individual decisions by sending an e-mail to attaching a copy of a identification document. Without prejudice to any other administrative remedy or judicial action, the Participant shall have the right to lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority, in particular in the Member State in which he has his habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, in in case you consider that the processing of your personal data is not appropriate to the regulations, as well as in the case of not seeing satisfaction in the exercise of your rights. That is why the Participant declares to have been informed of the conditions on protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the treatment.


We reserve the right to modify or expand these promotional bases, to the extent that it does not harm or undermine the rights of the Participants in the Promotion. The mere fact of participating in the draw implies that the Participant fully accepts the conditions of these Legal Bases. Likewise, participation in a draw of this nature implies acceptance of the rules of the Instagram social network through which it is developed.


These legal bases will be governed in accordance with Spanish law. The Courts and Tribunals of the city of Alicante will be competent to resolve any claim or controversy that may arise in relation to the validity, interpretation or compliance with these bases.