Elementos que componen el Lugol

Elements that make up Lugol's

Iodine is an essential micronutrient capable of ensuring the optimal functioning of the entire organism. However, it cannot be ingested on its own in concentrated doses, which is why Lugol's chemical composition made from elemental iodine exists for medical purposes.

This composition consists of a process in which it is necessary to mix iodine with water. However, this mixture is not possible unless another component is included that acts as a link and allows the combination of all the elements.

Therefore, in order for the union of the elements to occur, it is necessary to add potassium iodide to the formula as Lugol's reagent (chemical composition ). Since iodine is part of the group of elements repelled by water known as hydrophobic.

What is the chemical composition of Lugol's?

The Lugol formula for chemical composition is Kl3, to obtain the solution, Kl, L2 and purified water must be mixed through a double distillation process.

Since iodine (I2) and water cannot be mixed, the binding point is provided by potassium iodide (Kl) in a solubilization process by emulsion of hydrophobes. That is, the negative charge of iodine is polarized when mixed with iodide and this combination becomes soluble in water.

Now, to obtain the correct Lugol's composition, the original formula must be used, which consists of l2 (5%) + Kl (10%) + H2O (85%). Combining these measures, we obtain a Lugol 's solution concentration of 5%.

This level of concentration allows the solution to be used in different ways both within the medical and industrial areas.

Main uses of Lugol's

From a medical point of view, Lugo can be used to treat various thyroid pathologies. Some examples are:

  • Reduces blood vessels in the thyroid glands.
  • Hypothyroidism and glandular disorders of the thyroid.
  • Blocking radioactive isotopes and reducing thyroid cancer.
  • Antiseptic solution for treating wounds and skin infections.
  • Eliminate bacteria, viruses, fungi and purify water.
  • Antioxidant food supplement, improves cognitive ability and general functioning of the body.

Lugol's composition is gaining more and more importance in the world due to its great properties. In fact, it is known how important iodine consumption is to ensure the functioning of the nervous system.

Iodine also stimulates energy metabolism, improves the appearance of the skin and mood. In short, by consuming the solution daily these benefits can be noticed immediately and thus, achieve an improvement in health.

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La información proporcionada en este texto se basa en publicaciones de investigación, ensayos clínicos, artículos y conocimientos generales. Este contenido es meramente informativo y no debe considerarse como consejo médico. Para cualquier consejo médico consulte con un profesional de la salud.