almacenar clorito de sodio

How should sodium chlorite be stored?

If you are looking for how to store sodium chlorite , you have come to the right place. Below, we will tell you the best way to preserve the sodium chlorite you have at home to ensure that you can keep it in a safe place and in perfect condition.

Precautions and tips for storing sodium chlorite

To store sodium chlorite correctly and safely, you must first choose a suitable place for it. That is, a place where possible accidents and the risk of product decomposition are minimized as much as possible.

Therefore, the first thing to do is to place the CDS in a place out of the reach of children. In addition, the chosen place should be cool, dry and dark, avoiding exposure to direct sunlight. The ambient temperature must also be taken into account, since heat sources accelerate the decomposition of the substance and cause it to lose its effectiveness.

If you have purchased the CDS preparation kit , make sure to always store the two components together in their original packaging and do not remove the labels. This way, you will always know what compound is inside each container, especially in situations where chlorite will be stored with other chemicals.

One last recommendation on how to store sodium chlorite is to periodically check the product for signs of deterioration or leaks. This is evidenced by changes in the appearance of sodium chlorite such as the formation of lumps or abnormal coloration.

Finally, at Dioxnatur we are always at your disposal for any additional questions. So do not hesitate to contact us from the contact page that you will find in the menu above.


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