que es un coloide

Definition of Colloid

Are you looking for information to get a better idea before buying colloids ? At Dioxnatur we can help you, as we are leaders in colloidal products.

Colloidal substances provide great benefits to our health, as they help to better absorb trace minerals and vitamins. Below, we explain what colloids are and show you some everyday examples.

Guide to Colloids

A colloid is a mixture in which one or more tiny substances (colloidal particles) are uniformly dispersed throughout another substance. Colloidal particles are larger than the molecules of a true solution, but small enough not to settle out under gravity. In a colloid, the dispersed particles range in size from 1 to 1000 nanometers.

When we refer to colloids of metals such as silver, magnesium, zinc, gold, etc., we are talking about colloidal dispersions of nanoparticles of these metals in a dispersing medium, generally liquid.

Definition of Metallic Colloid

A metal colloid is a suspension where nanoparticles of a metal (such as silver, gold, magnesium or zinc) are uniformly dispersed in a liquid medium. These nanoparticles have dimensions in the range of 1 to 1000 nanometers.

Examples of Colloids

These are some examples of colloids that the human body needs:

  • Colloidal Copper (Cu): Used in supplements and treatments to improve skin health, promote wound healing, and support the immune system.
  • Colloidal silver (Ag): In alternative medicine it is used as a natural agent to combat bacterial and viral infections. It also has external anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Colloidal Gold (Au): Used in treatments to improve skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate the complexion. It can also reduce stress and revitalize at a chemical and bioenergetic level.
  • Colloidal Zinc (Zn): Commonly used in supplements to boost the immune system, improve skin health, and speed wound healing. It also helps improve male fertility.
  • Colloidal Magnesium (Mg): It is beneficial for improving cardiovascular health, relieving stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, and supporting bone and muscle health. It also regulates blood sugar levels.

So far, a brief approach to the definition of colloid and the most commonly used colloids.

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Colloidal Gold
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€17,95 €287,64
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Sale price
€17,95 €287,64
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Colloidal Copper 20 ppm
Regular price
€17,50 €237,24
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€17,50 €237,24
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Colloidal Silver
Regular price
€12,50 €165,24
Regular price
Sale price
€12,50 €165,24
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Colloidal Zinc
Regular price
€17,50 €265,68
Regular price
Sale price
€17,50 €265,68
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Colloidal Magnesium
Regular price
€17,50 €266,88
Regular price
Sale price
€17,50 €266,88
Colloidal Gold
comprar oro coloidal
Colloidal Gold
Regular price
€17,95 €287,64
Regular price
Sale price
€17,95 €287,64

100 total reviews

Colloidal Copper 20 ppm
cobre coloidal
Colloidal Copper 20 ppm
Regular price
€17,50 €237,24
Regular price
Sale price
€17,50 €237,24

100 total reviews

Colloidal Silver
plata coloidal comprar
Colloidal Silver
Regular price
€12,50 €165,24
Regular price
Sale price
€12,50 €165,24

100 total reviews

Colloidal Zinc
zinc coloidal comprar
Colloidal Zinc
Regular price
€17,50 €265,68
Regular price
Sale price
€17,50 €265,68

100 total reviews

Colloidal Magnesium
magnesio coloidal comprar
Colloidal Magnesium
Regular price
€17,50 €266,88
Regular price
Sale price
€17,50 €266,88

100 total reviews

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